Electronic signature, from theory to practice

Saving time, reducing costs, the electronic signature has all the advantages. With Sign Online, Maileva allows businesses of all sizes to integrate signature circuits ready to use without changing their habits.

More and more companies want to use the electronic signature to validate contracts, leases, sales agreements, etc. Traders, real estate agents or insurers vis-à-vis their customers, or internal services companies (purchases, HR, legal,), all anticipate a saving of time and productivity. On average, the use of the electronic signature can result in a 30-60% decrease in administrative management costs (DOCAPOST estimate). But this is not always easy to implement. With Sign Online, Maileva offers businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large groups, to move easily from theory to practice.

Sign in a few clicks

Sign Online is a ready-to-use SaaS solution designed to facilitate the use of electronic signatures while providing the necessary guarantees of security and legal reliability. Once authenticated on the platform, it only takes a few clicks to download a PDF digital document and send it for signature to one or more recipients. From that moment, the document acquires its probative force. Maileva guarantees the identification of its author and the integrity of the document. Turnkey solution, Sign Online also relies on Maileva’s high security e-signature architecture (hosting in France, compliance with eIDAS rules, etc.).

Signing path

To be really useful, the electronic signature must be placed in its context and its environment, a business process such as, for example, the conclusion of a sale, the subscription of an insurance contract or the signature of an insurance contract. a rental lease. With Signer Online, Maileva simplifies the entire signing process by offering the ability to create pre-configured circuits. These signature scenarios allow the recipient to be informed of what is expected of them (complete or approve and then sign, or simply receive for information). Saving time for all stakeholders, but also increased security, for example by setting a time-out period or a recovery period for recipients, in order to meet any regulatory constraints. Saving time, reducing costs, the get digital signature has all the advantages. With Sign Online, Maileva allows businesses of all sizes to integrate signature circuits ready to use without changing their habits.

On average, the use of the electronic signature can result in a 30-60% decrease in administrative management costs (DOCAPOST estimate). But this is not always easy to implement. With Sign Online, Maileva offers businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large groups, to move easily from theory to practice. the document acquires its probative force. Maileva guarantees the identification of its author and the integrity of the document. Turnkey solution, Sign Online also relies on Maileva’s high security e-signature architecture With Sign Online, the recipients of the documents do not need a certificate. They sign with a code sent on their mobile phone.

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