Gastrointestinal infections are generally caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. It has been observed that most gastrointestinal infections clear up within a few days, but in case of high fever, blood in the stool, and vomiting, the patient may need medical care. These infections are characterized by pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, discomfort, fever, vomiting, dehydration, headache, weight loss, etc. Therefore, if you have a fever above 104°F and are vomiting continuously, get in touch with a doctor at the earliest.
According to dallas gi diagnostic solutions, the causes of gastrointestinal tract infection:
- Viral infections: Most gastrointestinal infections are caused by viral pathogens such as rotavirus, norovirus, and adenovirus. These pathogens are very contagious and can spread through contaminated water, food, and when you come in contact with an infected person.
- Bacterial cause: E. coli bacteria, which are found in your intestine, are mostly harmless, but certain strains can produce toxins and cause pain in the abdomen. Other types of bacteria, such as Salmonella, Shigella, Clostridium, etc., are also the leading causes of gastrointestinal tract infection. These bacteria get transmitted through contaminated food, water, etc.
- Parasites: Certain organisms, such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, etc., can also cause gastrointestinal tract infection. When you consume food or water that is contaminated with such parasites, you put yourself at risk of getting a gastrointestinal infection.
- Poor hygiene practices: If you do not wash your hands frequently or you are in the habit of eating without washing your hands, gastrointestinal infection-causing pathogens may enter your body easily and make you sick.
- Along with this, people who have a weaker immune system due to various health issues such as diabetes, high BP, people with AIDs, those with cancer, pregnant woman, older people, children, etc., have greater chances of getting gastrointestinal tract infections.
- It has also been observed that those who have gastritis or heartburn and people who take certain kinds of medication to control their stomach acid production are also at higher risk of developing intestinal infection because their body gets in the habit of producing less acid, which becomes difficult for the stomach to get rid of viruses and bacteria.
Therefore, in order to prevent gastrointestinal infections, you must wash your hands properly and prepare your food with utmost care. Along with these steps, avoid eating uncooked meat and get in the habit of drinking only filtered water. And if you develop any symptoms, get yourself checked by a general physician at the earliest.